Team Spirit
IHRP team building facilitators can greatly improve the effectiveness of your team building event. Through our team building facilitation program your workforce will be provided feedback, and so be able to transfer the new skills learned on a corporate event back to the office environment.
As the goals of a team building event vary from event to event so will the input of our team building facilitators. Our team building facilitation programs will help to ensure your company gets the most out of your team building event.
Our team building facilitation trainers and specialists will observe the teams in action throughout the event and provide feedback at the end of the session.
Throughout your team building event each team or team member will be asked to complete quick reviews and so drive continuous improvement throughout the events. At the end of your corporate event a question and answer session can be held with our team building facilitators to discuss skills learnt throughout the day and more importantly how these skills can be transferred back to the workplace.
The crux of any team building facilitation is to ensure all teams and team members participating in the event are able to take away meaningful messages from the event as opposed to “just” having a good time – we will ensure your team does both.
If you wish to receive a proposal of our team building facilitation services, please complete the form below.